Bespoke stainless hlau aluminium dabtsi yog khoov seamless welded qhov chaw pabcuam
Lambert Precision Hardware Limited, with ten years of experience in foreign trade, specializes in high precision sheet metal fabrication parts, laser cutting, welding, sheet metal bending, tube bending, sheet metal chassis enclosures, power supply enclosures, etc., which can be used in commercial design, ports, bridges, infrastructure, buildings, hotels, various piping systems, etc. Feel free to contact us by email:
OEM kev cai ntawv hlau laser txiav thiab welded maus taus kev txhawb nqa ncej
kev txhawb nqa:
Sheet hlau fabrication
304 stainless hlau fabrication qhov chaw
accessory sheet hlau ua
alloy sheet hlau ua
aluminium alloy sheet hlau qhov chaw
aluminium box sheet hlau fabrication qhov chaw
aluminium thawv ntawv hlau vuam
aluminium customization sheet hlau fabrication kev pabcuam
aluminium sheet manufacturing txheej txheem
aluminium ntawv hlau dabtsi yog khoov
aluminium ntawv hlau vuam
hlau dabtsi yog khoov vuam
hlau vuam qhov chaw
laser txiav rau hlau
sheet hlau txiav manufacturing
lwm.Lambert Precision Sheet Metal Processing Co., Ltd., with ten years of foreign trade experience, specializes in high-precision sheet metal processing parts, laser cutting, sheet metal bending, pipe bending, sheet metal chassis shell, power shell, etc., which can be applied to commercial design, ports, bridges, infrastructure, buildings, hotels, various pipeline systems, etc. Welcome to contact us by email:
stainless bending kev cai ntawv hlau fabrication customized tsheb kauj vab khib
Lambert Precision Sheet Metal Processing Co., Ltd., with ten years of foreign trade experience, specializes in high-precision sheet metal processing parts, laser cutting, sheet metal bending, pipe bending, sheet metal chassis shell, power shell, etc., which can be applied to commercial design, ports, bridges, infrastructure, buildings, hotels, various pipeline systems, etc. Welcome to contact us by email:
kev txhawb nqa:
Sheet hlau fabrication
Sheet hlau polishing, txhuam hniav, sib tsoo deg kho, thiab lwm yam.
304 stainless hlau fabrication qhov chaw
accessory sheet hlau ua
alloy sheet hlau ua
aluminium alloy sheet hlau qhov chaw
aluminium box sheet hlau fabrication qhov chaw
aluminium thawv ntawv hlau vuam
aluminium customization sheet hlau fabrication kev pabcuam
aluminium sheet manufacturing txheej txheem
aluminium ntawv hlau dabtsi yog khoov
aluminium ntawv hlau vuam
hlau dabtsi yog khoov vuam
hlau vuam qhov chaw
laser txiav rau hlau
sheet hlau txiav manufacturing
lwm. -
OEM dabtsi yog khoov fabrication sheet hlau Cheebtsam bespoke hlau fabrication
Lambert Precision Sheet Metal Processing Co., Ltd., with ten years of foreign trade experience, specializes in high-precision sheet metal processing parts, laser cutting, sheet metal bending, pipe bending, sheet metal chassis shell, power shell, etc., which can be applied to commercial design, ports, bridges, infrastructure, buildings, hotels, various pipeline systems, etc. Welcome to contact us by email:
kev txhawb nqa:
Sheet hlau fabrication
304 stainless hlau fabrication qhov chaw
accessory sheet hlau ua
alloy sheet hlau ua
aluminium alloy sheet hlau qhov chaw
aluminium box sheet hlau fabrication qhov chaw
aluminium thawv ntawv hlau vuam
aluminium customization sheet hlau fabrication kev pabcuam
aluminium sheet manufacturing txheej txheem
aluminium ntawv hlau dabtsi yog khoov
aluminium ntawv hlau vuam
hlau dabtsi yog khoov vuam
hlau vuam qhov chaw
laser txiav rau hlau
sheet hlau txiav manufacturing
lwm. -
OEM 304 stainless hlau fabrication qhov chaw txhuas bending customization ntawv hlau enclosure
Lambert Precision Sheet Metal Processing Co., Ltd., with ten years of foreign trade experience, specializes in high-precision sheet metal processing parts, laser cutting, sheet metal bending, pipe bending, sheet metal chassis shell, power shell, etc., which can be applied to commercial design, ports, bridges, infrastructure, buildings, hotels, various pipeline systems, etc. Welcome to contact us by email:
kev txhawb nqa:
304 stainless hlau fabrication qhov chaw
accessory sheet hlau ua
alloy sheet hlau ua
aluminium alloy sheet hlau qhov chaw
aluminium box sheet hlau fabrication qhov chaw
aluminium thawv ntawv hlau vuam
aluminium customization sheet hlau fabrication kev pabcuam
aluminium sheet manufacturing txheej txheem
aluminium ntawv hlau dabtsi yog khoov
aluminium ntawv hlau vuam
hlau dabtsi yog khoov vuam
hlau vuam qhov chaw
laser txiav rau hlau
sheet hlau txiav manufacturing
lwm. -
Kev cai CNC yeeb nkab raj dabtsi yog khoov pab
Cov yeeb nkab dabtsi yog khoov yog txheej txheem uas cov yeeb nkab yog thawj zaug thauj mus rau hauv lub bender lossis yeeb nkab bender thiab tom qab ntawd sib tsoo ntawm ob qhov tuag (clamping block thiab forming tuag).Lub raj kuj tseem tuav tau xoob los ntawm ob qho lwm yam pwm, cov ntaub so pwm thiab lub siab pwm.
kev cai alloy aluminium steel ntawv hlau dabtsi yog khoov Service
Sheet hlau dabtsi yog khoov yog ib qho kev ua haujlwm uas siv lub zog los hloov cov duab ntawm daim ntawv.Qhov no yog ua kom tau cov duab lossis cov duab uas xav tau rau kev tsim khoom.Lub zog sab nraud siv tsuas yog hloov cov yam ntxwv sab nraud ntawm daim ntawv.Txawm li cas los xij, cov ntawv hlau tsis zoo rau ib hom, xws li ntev thiab tuab, tseem tsis hloov pauv.Lub ductility ntawm cov hlau phaj ntxiv ua rau nws siv tau rau ntau yam txheej txheem molding.
Sheet hlau txoj kev muaj xws li V khoov, yob khoov, U khoov, so khoov, rotary khoov.